
Upgrading Pumping Capacity with Present Piping System

Today ,there is a customer with pump Model 65/32 at 1450 rpm ,the rating is 42 m3/hr at 35 M head.
He wants a bigger pump of 150 m3/hr at ?(mentioned maybe about 8 bar ).A pump supplier will
surely be safer to offer this rating .right ? After all the pump supplier is not bearing the
energy cost

Again, it is rather difficult to find Engineer that would work out the System Head before
deciding to upgrade

If we estimate at 8 bar ,the pump size will be much bigger and motor probably be 75 Kw
and if we estimate at 5.8 bar ,the motor of 45 Kw is sufficient

In this case ,it may be necessary to upgrade the pipe diameter and operate at about 4 bar
you will enjoy considerable energy cost as 30 kw motor is sufficient with pump of 80/20

The Engineer should work out the Piping Upgrading cost versus Energy consumption

All we need to do is go back to Basic ,that is back to reference book

Many many of us still do not read enough ,agree ?

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