
Treated Effluent Pumping -Land Disposal

Dear Oil Mill Users

Generally this application can be about 60 to 100 m3/hr pumping rate
And pressure will depend on piping distance
If the distance is short , open impeller centrifugal pumps can be used

However is the distance is 1.5 Kilometer .you may need a Two Stage Screw Pump to do the job with operating pressure of about 8 to 10 bar ,depending on the pipe diameter

Again ,I wish to highlight the importance of designing an optimum pipe diameter
A smaller diameter would mean higher operating pressure and on the other hand too big a diameter will incur higher capital cost
Work out cost of pipes over operating cost in term of power cost

Pipes are buried underground and Polypipe are being used .
If pressure is too high ,then breakages are likely to occur often and it is goiung to be very
difficult to trace the leakage
Go for as low as posiible the operating head to minimise this problem

PolyPipe is rated 10 bar and joints may be weak .When there is blockage along the pipe . a two stage pump can develop a pressure of 12 to 15 bar and hence . pipe or joints may burst
Suggest instal a pressure switch which cut off pump when the pressure exceed the limit
to protect the system

Also choose a right pressure switch .Diaphragm seal type designed for cleaning

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