

1.1 Pumpsets must be propoerly installed,make sure the concrete is stable even and rigid
1.2 Pump Piping  should be properly supported  independantly and lined up accurately  with
the pump ports
Warning : never draw piping into place by force at the port connection of the pumps, severe
internal damages may result

1.3 Strainer of adquate size need to be selected and installed

1.4 Pump sets must be aligned

1,5 Instal flexible joints , vibration mounting pad etc

1,6 check rotation before starting the pump


The Data in the table below represents average  test values .It is intended to serve as a guide in matters concerning noise and applies with a tolerance of +/- 3 dB(A)

Motor Frame
size                                         3000rpm         1450 rpm

63                                              53                     41
71                                              59                     45
80                                              60                     49

90                                              65                       54
100                                            69                       58
112                                            64                       58

132                                            69                       60
160                                            72                       62
180                                             73                      64

200                                            72                        63
225                                            74                         67
250                                            74                         67 

Sound Level under no load
Souce of  information : ABB Motor                                        


SOUND LEVEL - IMO SCREW PUMP (ACG 045 . 052, 060 .070 )

Typical Pump Sound levels referred to free field conditions at a distance of 1 meter from the pumps.
Noise of driver Excluded in the quoted figures . The sound levels are measured at a discharge level of
5 bar 2900 rpm ,Viscostiy 37mm2/s

Model         Connection                dB(A)
045            50 mm                         59
052            65mm                          63
060            80mm                          66
068            100mm                         68


Noise Level in Pumps

Various  contributing factors that will produce noises when the pumps are in operation, such as the following

Mechanical Failures
a)Misaligned Pumpsets such as
     - coupling misalignment
     - Pipework misalignment at suction / discharge
    - uneven concrete base

b )Bearing Problems
c) pump Problems, damaged by foreign material such as welding fluxes,bolts
    or metals entering the pump
d) Isolators or Vibration Mounting Pad Not installed
e) Flexible Bellows not installed

Hydraulic Failures

a) Caviatation , NPSH avialable lower than required by the pump
b) Insufficient flow reaching the pump , this is most common as most installer fail
   to determine the flow capacity of the pipe , ideal pipe diameter should be 80 mm
    for 450 Lpm or 27 m3/hr ( quick calculation , pipe velocity can be found in earlier posting)
A very recent case , customer upgraded pump capacity from  200 lpm  to 450 lpm
Previous suction line and tank outlet was 50 mm
However for this new installation, the tank outlet  and suction line remained  50mm
Discharge product goes close to the outlet of the tank , creating air pockets which get into
the pump causing Noises

Othe Factors
a) Pump & Driver Size
b) Operating Pressure
c) Pump operating speed

For Cavitation cases , the following could be done or rectified
a) Reduce flowrate by reducing speed of pump
b) enlarge suction line
c) increase product level in the tank
d) avoid air pockets going the tank bottom and into the suction line

Sound Level complying to manufacturer should be acceptable


Pumps for Deioned Water

Recently came across a Food Mfr with HACCP ,using pumps of Cast Iron Construction whereas piping system is in Stainless Steel
Is this right or engineer simply dont realise ?

If the pump is for pumping raw water to Deionised System , not too bad but still , we are giving unnecessary extra load to the filters in the system, with rust  ,extra

And if , the pump is for treated or Deionised Water ,then you are contaminating the water again

As the system builder has installed the cast iron pump , the user just follow the same replacment
without giving a thought

We do highlight , that  stainless steel pump should be used
What he said ? Expensive

And this happened despite Inspector from relevant food department audited the plant